Ready made sro, company establishment and virtual headquarters

Your companyquick and easy

The largest sellers of ready-made companies 2015-2024.
For the year 2024, we sold 1150 ready made companies.

Your company quickly and easily

5 reasons, why choose Simply Office

Největší prodejce ready-made společností od roku 2015

Každý měsíc založíme a prodáme desítky až stovku ready made společností. Od roku 2013 jsme prodali přes 9500 společností s.r.o.

We offer company headquarters at a prestigious address in Prague, Brno and Ostrava

All properties in which the services are provided are exclusively owned by us.

ALL INCLUSIVE Ready-made service

Change in your s.r.o. anything you need plus get express registration in the commercial register within 24 hours! More information

Contracts can be signed at all our addresses or online

You can place your order in our office or from your favorite chair with just a computer and an email inbox.

Price comparison with competitors

In the event that you receive a qualitatively comparable and more advantageous offer, we are ready to match it with our offer!

Do you want to start a business, have your own company and not run around the authorities for two months? It's a piece of cake with us.


What our customers say about us
Due to the wide range of ready made companies, we approached Simply Office, where we bought one s.r.o. and in a very short time we can expand our business and operational activities.
Michaela Kaplanová
We have been very satisfied with the Simply Office services for over a year, especially with the quick notification of incoming mail and easy collection.
Ing. Filip Chrbját
managing director of the company Fichr
We founded 3 s.r.o. with Simply Office, the negotiations were quick and professional. The whole establishment process was a matter of one meeting, everything else was taken care of by Simply Office.
Pavel Hodinka
partner and managing director of Simply App s.r.o.
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